Feeding the Fam on a budget

When I was pregnant with my first son I left my teaching job. On his first birthday I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd baby. So we went from my husband and I both working and no kids, to two babies with one income in a very short period of time. That is when I started cooking a lot. I couldn’t get out too often when my boys were small so coming up with dinner for all of us gave me something to think about. Feeding the Fam on a budget was a challenge. I would get recipes from my mom, aunt and grandma because they always had great options. Once the boys got through their toddler years and actually started eating and enjoying the food I couldn’t stop! Now they love to put in their requests and critique my cooking. My boys are now 11 and 13. They are growing rapidly and eating me out of house and home. Cooking on a budget is even more of  a challenge now. I definitely buy chicken broth, canned items, olive oil and pasta when they are buy 1, get 1 free. I shop at BJ’s once a month to stock up on some meats. And I’ve started shopping at some lower priced stores like Aldi which really helps. I put together some of my favorite meals that are budget friendly. I hope this post helps you feed your fam on a budget. There is nothing like knowing you fed your whole family for less than $10 and they have full bellies and smiling faces…

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Click here to shop some of my favorite items.

Pasta:  Need I say more? I love pasta. I love pasta for a lot of reasons.

  • There are so many different options (whole grain, rigatoni, gluten-free, spaghetti)
  • It fills everyone up.
  • It’s inexpensive!
  • Who doesn’t like pasta? Cold, hot, with veggies, as a side dish, etc…)

So here are some of my favorite budget-friendly pasta dishes…

Soup:  A bowl of comfort… So many reasons I love soup as well.

  • It’s a budget-friendly meal.
  • Super healthy
  • You can add ingredients based on your families likes and dislikes (pasta, beans, veggies, etc…)
  • Makes great leftovers.

So, here are some of my favorite budget-friendly soups you should put on your weekly rotation!


spin tort 1

All the other good meals that aren’t pasta or soup:  There are so many budget-friendly dinners. Honestly, when I look at all my recipes most of them are affordable. It’s never my motive to spend a fortune on dinner, holidays and celebrations not included…



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